The National Heritage Institute is a cultural institution serving as an expert support for the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. NHI is a brand that has been promoting Polish heritage in Poland and worldwide for 50 years. The institute collaborates with many international institutions dedicated to the preservation of national heritage, including UNESCO, English Heritage, and the European Heritage Heads Forum.

The „Industrial Heritage Trail” is a thematic, car-based tourist and cultural route that connects sites related to the cultural heritage of industry in the Silesian Voivodeship. Currently, it comprises 40 sites. This trail is a branded tourism product (a network product within the area) showcasing the most significant and interesting industrial sites in the Silesian region in terms of tourism, historical, and architectural value.

The International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) is an independent international non-governmental organization dedicated to the preservation, research, and interpretation of industrial heritage. The Polish TICCIH Committee brings together scholars from various disciplines, including history, technology, and engineering, as well as conservators, academic lecturers, employers, and heritage property owners. It serves not only as an organization uniting specialists but also as a platform for shaping best practices in the field of industrial heritage preservation in Poland. The organization’s mission is to disseminate knowledge about technological heritage, which is the product of engineering thought and human labor.

ERIH (European Route of Industrial Heritage) is a network that connects over 850 European industrial heritage sites, such as post-industrial landscapes, disused industrial complexes, or individual facilities. The project’s goal is to draw attention to the shared European industrial heritage and promote tourism in places associated with industrial history.